EXT. Lush jungle-Afternoon
PAN of the jungle, silhouettes of various creatures can be seen.
WORM POV of a clear blue sky.
ELS a portal opens up and a MAN with a bikers attire, overweight, falls through.
LS of man hitting the ground belly first, with a explosion of dust, the dust clears up.
MS man sits up blinks, looks around, and gets up.
BCU of the man face looking around confused.
ELS man starts to explore the jungle, he walks around slowly inspecting various plants, he looks across and see a comic book border. A silhouette of a humanoid creature can be seen.
ZOOM OUT to reveal that the man is in a comic book.
MS Man pushes the borders, and he realises that he is stuck.
MCU A MONSTER lunges towards the man and tries to strike the man.
MS Man dodges the first strike.
MCU man blocks the second strike.
MLS monster tackles downs the man onto the ground.
MCU Monster opens up his jaw and dislocates it, its jaw now big enough to cover the man's face.
MS man screams and a sharp speech bubble pops out, impaling the face.
CU of speech bubble
CU of man's face being confused
ECU of the monster face bleeding
Panning MLS of man pushing the monster with both of his hands.
Panning ELS of the monster being pushed through a border.
Panning LS the Panel expands showing more scenery.
MS Man pulls the speech bubble out of the monster's face with some resistance.
MCU of the man's hands pulling out the speech bubble.
CU speech bubble sliding off the monster, with blood dripping down and places it on his back.
LS of Man with a speech bubble with the words Hrm? in it.
MS Man grabs the speech bubble and squeezes it, and bounces it on the ground.
Panning ELS Man jumps on the speech bubble and uses it to ride across to the next border.
LS Man reaches the border.
MLS – Man is grabbing the end of the border and pulls him self across to the next panel.
MLS – Man lands, and jumps down to a different panel.
MCU Man is confused and starts to punch a tree out of frustration.
CU Man's eyes is confused.
MLS Man sits down and starts to have a think.
MCU A thought bubble starts to pop out.
ELS Man grabs the bubble and starts to float up for a bit.
LS the thought bubble pops.
Bird POV – Man falls down on the ground.
MLS Man makes another thought bubble.
MS Man grabs it, and throws it above him.
MCU Man jumps while he makes another thought bubble.
ELS He lands on the first thought bubble and throws a second thought bubble above him.
Worm POV He continues jumping on a thought bubbles until he reaches the sky and bumps into it.
CU on his feet jumping on the thought bubbles.
MS of man jumping on thought bubbles.
MS Man punches the sky but the sky absorbs his punch.
MLS Man forearm and hand punching the sky.
MCU Man punches the sky twice, yet it still doesn’t breaks.
LS – Man punches sky even more
CU zooming out to LS - Man goes berserk and does hundreds of punches and rips sky.
INT. Comic book store
MLS a young boy is reading a comic, and a man pops out.
The End.
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